Our support team is of the highest category and the rate of assistance staff versus number of customers is mainly one-on-one, thus providing an all-inclusive, comprehensive stay and assistance.
Unlike other institutions, our team offers a fully humane, comprehensive, spiritual service; we are specialized professionals, well known as the leading team nationwide in an Integral Approach against mental, emotional and addictive diseases as well as dual pathologies.
We offer you a solid, united, well-communicated team, fully committed towards achieving what you are looking for: the patient’s full recovery.
We are a team with the most reliable knowledge, training, experience and commitment to service with the perspective and backup of several disciplines, which has led us to become the finest organization in the country by rendering the highest patient recovery and functionality figures after treating them with the Integral Approach program.
Conformamos un equipo con el más idóneo conocimiento, formación, experiencia y vocación de servicio desde varias disciplinas que nos ha llevado a constituirnos en la mejor institución del país al brindar las mayores estadísticas de recuperación y funcionalidad en nuestros clientes tras el programa por Enfoque Integral.